Pablo Mandò
Tell us a bit about your career so far
- School of Medicine: Faculty of Medicine, CEMIC University Institute, Buenos Aires, Argentina. Medical Doctor, graduated with honors. Gold medal for Best Average. (2003-2008).
- Internal Medicine Residency: Center for Medical Education and Clinical Research “Norberto Quirno” (CEMIC). Buenos Aires, Argentina (2009-2012)
- Medical Oncology Residency: Alexander Fleming Institute. Buenos Aires, Argentina (2014-2017)
- Master of Science: Magister in Clinical Effectiveness, Instituto de Efectividad Clínica y Sanitaria (IECS), Faculty of Medicine. University of Buenos Aires, Buenos Aires, Argentina (2017-2018)
- Translational Oncology Fellowship: Centro de Investigaciones Oncológicas CIO-FUCA, Buenos Aires, Argentina (2017-2020)
What is your current activity?
Currently, I am Medical Staff of the Breast and Gynecological Oncology Unit of CEMIC, acting also as the medical coordinator of the Outpatient Oncology Clinic. Since January 2022 I am the Coordinator of the Medical Oncology Fellowship at my institution, being an Assistant Professor of Medical Oncology and Research Methodology. Furthermore, I am the Editor in Chief of Oncologia Clínica, Journal of the Argentine Association of Clinical Oncology (ISSN 1669-6336 - oncologiaclinica.aaoc.org.ar). We have been working in the development of networks in Argentina being involved in the first young oncologist group of my country (YOGA) and a collaborative group specialized in breast cancer (SUMA). My fields of interest include breast cancer, gynecological tumors, geriatric oncology and research methodology.
Future plans in terms of training/evolvement
For the near future I have 2 personal plans: to achieve my PhD and to start a Master in Data Science at MIT. Regarding our work as a community, I am very interested in strengthening the groups already formed in my country and to deepen the bonds generated with ESMO and other worldwide organizations. I believe this will directly derive in an important growth for me and my peers, transforming in a better practice to our patients.
Why did you choose to become a medical oncologist?
Since I was a kid, I have always been interested in helping people going through diseases and oncology has been the instrument to assist patients with knowledge and empathy in very difficult times in a daily manner.
What does your involvement with ESMO and the Young Oncologists Committee (YOC) mean to you?
I am sure that participating in this committee will impact both my whole professional skills and my environment. This is a unique opportunity for me and as a young medical oncologist, I have a lot to learn from leaders on similar situations around the world. This activity will give me the opportunity to meet visionary people and, eventually, keep in touch with them. My participation is paramount for me, for my institution, and for my country and region. This kind of activity pushes up oncology in Latin America. I was especially interested in becoming a member of this committee as I have recognized the importance of career development for young oncologist throughout the world and specially in Latin America. I am eager to promote the advancement of young oncologist through programs targeted to and tailored to the specific needs of junior faculty with the objective to nurture and cultivate the next generation of academic leaders. But I dream with the retention of this health professionals in their native countries through opportunities and support to continuously build and expand professional skills, in which activities in Europe or USA are just transitory experiences of personal growth and not their sole chance of goals achievement.
Do you have some good advice you would like to share with your international colleagues?
I believe I am not in a position to advice anybody, but instead I would like to share my vision with my international colleagues: Dream big, work hard and build communities.