Eleni Maragkouli
Dr Maragkouli is currently Consultant of Medical Oncology at the University Hospital of Larissa, Thessaly, Greece.
In 1996, she gained the Degree in Biology, University of Thessaloniki, Greece and in 2002 the Degree in Medicine, Department of Medicine of the Medical University of Thessaly- School of Medicine, Larissa, Greece.
Since 2008 she has held the Specialist Training Post as a Specialist Registrar at the Department of Medical Oncology of Larissa University Hospital, Greece.
Before then Dr Maragkouli had held various positions: between 2006 and 2008 as Specialist Registrar and later as Senior House Officer in the Departments of Internal Medicine, Cardiology and General Surgery and in the Department of Oncology, at ‘’Cutlibaneio-Triantafyllia’’ General Hospital of Larissa, Greece. Specialist Training Post as a Specialist Registrar in the Department of Haematology of AHEPA University Hospital of Thessaloniki, Thessaloniki, Greece. Between 2004-2005, she was Associate Doctor in cooperation with Bodyline health centres of fitness and nutrition, department of Larissa, and in 2003 -2004 General Practitioner in Pyrgetos, Regional Surgery of East Olympus, Health Centre of Gonnoi, Larissa, Greece.
In 2011 Dr Maragkouli received a scholarship grant from the Hellenic Society of Medical Oncology for the “Study of cardiovascular toxicity in patients having breast cancer who receive chemotherapy including anthracyclines”.
Dr Maragkouli has participated in the Panhellenic Association for Continual Medical Research (PACMeR) research scientific activities, her main interest being in urology, colon cancer and cardiovascular toxicities in patients receiving chemotherapy. She has published abstracts in international journals and given presentations at numerous congresses and symposia.
Dr Maragkouli is Member of the European Society for Medical Oncology (ESMO) and the American Society of Clinical Oncology (ASCO), she is also Member of the Hellenic Society of Medical Oncology - HESMO (Group of Young Medical Oncologists) and the Panhellenic Association for Continual Medical Research (PACMeR).