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ESMO Policy on Media Activities Organised by Third Parties

ESMO accepts Third Party Media Representatives, interested in reporting on cancer issues from ESMO-organised Events as well as ESMO partnership Events with other organisations, whether held in-person or in a virtual format.

This policy is aimed at regulating access and the use of tailored ESMO resources and ESMO Communications Activities by Third Party Media Representatives, if relevant.

It also regulates Third Party Media Representatives participation in Events and provides them with guidance and assistance when performing TP Media Activities.

Differently, any ESMO Communication Activities involving, addressing or referring to Press Representatives and any Press Activities initiated by Press Representatives and referring to ESMO and/or Events are regulated by the ESMO Policy on Press Activities.

TP Media Activities that are governed by this policy include, but are not limited to:

  • Press conferences, media briefings, filming/photography activities, educational sessions, interviews (individual or in group) and closed meetings.

TP Media Material that is subject to this policy includes, but is not limited to:

  • Press releases, news, articles, blogs, interviews, video/audio/visual material, social media posts, flyers, digital supports, etc. made available online, as printed publications, on corporate newsrooms, social media, videos, etc.   

TP Media Activities cannot be advertised as ESMO activities. ESMO does not endorse any TP Media Activities and will not contribute in any manner to their content or promotion.

TP Media Activities must abide by the Events Confidentiality, Embargo and Blackout Times rules explained in this policy.  All Third Party Media Representatives are requested to inform ESMO (media@esmo.org)  about any planned TP Media Activities to ensure they receive assistance in complying with this policy.

In case of non-compliance with the provisions of the present policy, ESMO reserves the right to ban the subjects from current and future Events

Please check the following definitions for your reference:

“Event“ refers to meetings, congresses and other types of ESMO-organised events as well as ESMO Partnership events with other organisations, whether organised in-person or in a virtual format.

“ESMO-Recognised Press Outlets” refers to trade and mainstream outlets regularly publishing free access independent and original news coverage or commentaries as primary activity.

The coverage must be produced by recognised Press Representatives (see below), avoiding educational content/CME or material intended for medical professionals.

In particular, ESMO-Recognised Press Outlets refers to:

  • Magazines, newspapers
  • News agencies and newswire services
  • Broadcast media (radio or TV)
  • Web sites consistently publishing editorial news coverage, provided they are widely accessible with complete editorial independence and freedom from sponsors/advertisers.

The outlet inclusion and eligibility criteria outlined above, are the only applicable policy and ESMO has total discretion in recognising such organisations.

“Press Representatives” refers to professionals for whom journalism is the primary activity as well as to Press Filming Crew members (see below), both working for ESMO-Recognised Press Outlets and duly registered through the MyESMO Press Area (see below) and/or accredited by ESMO at Events. 

“Press Activities” refers to activities carried out by above-mentioned Press Representatives

“Press Filming Crew” refers to a single professional or a group of camera operators, photographers, technicians, assistants, etc, appointed by or working for ESMO-Recognised Press Outlets.  

For more details please refer to the ESMO Policy on Press Activities.

“Third Party Media Representatives or TP Media Representatives” refers to any entity which is not ESMO nor ESMO-Recognised Press Outlets nor Press Representatives.

 In particular it refers to representatives of (even if they have a press card):

  • Public relations agencies
  • Advertising, communications and media agencies
  • Sales and marketing
  • Professionals involved in financial analysis and/or conference reports production
  • Pharmaceutical companies
  • Foundations, charities, philanthropic organisations
  • Personal websites (expressing personal opinions or not regularly writing about oncology)
  • Sponsored journalists (providing a letter of assignment/invitation issued by a company)
  • Companies or organisations producing publications, videos and other products intended for educational purposes (with or without a commercial component) and/or offering CME.
  • Filming crews or photographers, represented or hired by organisations other than the ESMO-Recognised Press Outlets nor ESMO
  • Peer-reviewed journals as well as Publishers
  • Public Affair Representatives (Public affairs officers of academic institutions, scientific societies, registered medical research charities or patient advocacy groups) provided they declare they plan to prepare and publish an official report and/or news from the ESMO event. A copy of the report from previous meetings should be forwarded together with the media registration request. A copy of the report from the Event they are requesting accreditation for, must also be shared within 3 months after the Event.

TP Media Activities” and “TP Media Material” refer respectively to any communications activities initiated by TP and to online and printed material produced by TP, involving, addressing or referring to:

  • Events AND/OR
  • ESMO representatives AND/OR presenters/invited speakers at Events

“TP Filming Crew” and “TP Filming Activities” refer respectively a single professional or a group of camera operators, photographers, technicians, assistants, etc, appointed by or working for Third Parties AND to content captured during Events through activities such as filming, audio recording and photography initiated by TP Filming Crews, involving, addressing or referring to:  

  • Events AND/OR
  • ESMO representatives AND/OR presenters/invited speakers at Events

For more details, please refer to the ESMO Policy on Filming Activities.

 “MyESMO Press Area” refers to the online platform managed by ESMO, accessible to Press Representatives upon application and eligibility confirmation by ESMO.

“ESMO Communication Activities” refers to all communication activities initiated by ESMO and targeting Press Representatives, including but not limited to: press releases, press briefings and conferences, interviews, articles, videos, etc. 

1. Confidentiality

Abstracts accepted for presentation at the Events must be considered confidential by the author, co-authors, institute(s), research sponsor(s) and ESMO until publicly released in connection with the Events.

In the event that any relevant party, including but not limited to, author, co-authors, institute(s), research sponsor(s), plans to issue a press release prior to presentation at the Events, ESMO requests that it adheres to the Sample Qualitative Press Release format by summarising abstract data in a qualitative rather than quantitative way, and avoiding interpretations about the implications of the data for clinical practice.

ESMO reserves the right to share material under Embargo with Press Representatives who have agreed in writing to respect the ESMO Embargo policy.


ESMO holds copyright of all abstracts accepted for the Events. Reprints and ePrints of abstracts published online (“Abstract Book”) must be requested through ESMO (programme@esmo.org).

2. Embargo and Blackout Times at Events


All TP Media Activities (including but not limited to press releases, media events and social media), if related to Events content, must respect the official Embargo and Programme timing.

Abstracts are under Embargo until published on the ESMO website; Embargo times vary for each Event and for each ESMO Communication Activity.

Embargo details will be stated on each event’s webpage (Press & Media page), as well as on any ESMO Communication Activities related documents.

  • Data and information included in the accepted abstracts are under Embargo until the relevant Embargo release date cited in the “Publication schedule for accepted abstracts”.
  • Data and information beyond what is included in all accepted abstracts, for example full data sets and manuscripts, may only be made public at the start of the official programme session during which the study is presented.

Blackout Times

Blackout Times define time slots where specific TP Media Activities held in person or online, cannot take place.

In particular:

  • Press conferences and media briefings
  • Roundtables
  • Debates

Slots are different for each Event and will be published on each Event website page ("Press & Media" sub-page).

Third Party press releases and 1:1 interviews are not affected by Blackout Times but must respect Embargo and official Programme rules (see above).

3. Press releases at Events, issued by Third Parties

  • Studies covered by ESMO Communication Actitvities cannot be covered by TP Media Activities first. ESMO will confirm the requested date or propose a different date/time for the TP Media Activities.
  • Studies not covered by ESMO Communication Activities can be covered by TP Third Parties Activities respecting the Events Programme Embargoes.

If re-publishing ESMO press releases, ESMO must be indicated as the source.

Content criteria

Press releases can be issued by Third Parties according to following criteria:

A) A press release referred to a study to be presented at an Event, may not be issued BEFORE the official abstracts titles publication by ESMO.

B) A press release to announce that a trial will be presented during an Event, issued AFTER the official titles publication by ESMO but BEFORE the official publication of abstracts by ESMO, may not contain or reveal any of the scientific data or results of the trial.

It should only mention: name of the Event, abstract title - abstract number - Event session details, author’s name and top line qualitative information.

No data contained in the abstract or beyond the top line results can be included. 

Please check the Sample Qualitative Press Release.

C) A press release issued AFTER the official publication of titles and abstracts by ESMO, but BEFORE the official presentation session during the Event’s scientific programme, may not contain or reveal any of the scientific data or results of the trial going beyond information contained in the abstract. It should only mention: name of the Event, abstract title, session details, author’s name and only quantitative information contained in the abstract.

D) A press release issued concurrently with the official session during which the study is presented, may mention data included in the abstract and data beyond it. It should also include: name of the Event, abstract title and number, session details, author’s name and any peer-reviewed journal reference (if applicable).

Embargo information (i.e. date and time of the presentation during the Event) must be prominently displayed on all materials.

The relevant party is to submit to ESMO (programme@esmo.org, cc: media@esmo.org) written notification of the intention to issue a press release in advance of the release itself.

A note stating that full data has been submitted for presentation at a specific Event should be added in the press release.

ESMO is available to provide guidance and feedback for the qualitative press release.

If the press release includes significantly more information than ESMO’s recommendations, the abstract’s placement in the Events is subject to change.

Should the Embargo be broken, both the Third Parties and the Press Representatives reporting about the trial will be held responsible.

4. TP Media events organisation at Events

Requests for Third Party media events approval must be submitted to media@esmo.org two months before the Event, including the following information:

  • Media event type and purpose
  • Media event initiator and/or sponsor
  • Media event date and time
  • Media event location
  • Topics and speakers proposed, with specific reference to any submitted abstract
  • Type and number of expected participants

Meeting rooms booking

A limited number of meeting rooms intended for TP Media events are available at Events venues within the ESMO Press and Media Centre. Please submit a booking request to media@esmo.org in order to receive specific details such as floorplans, sizes and rates.  Rooms are assigned on a first-come, first-served basis.

No posters, banners, markings or TP Media Material are permitted within the ESMO Press and Media Centre.

Badge for TP Media events organisation and management at Events

Should Third Party Media Representatives, in particular communication agencies or company representatives, require a badge for the purpose of organising TP Media events at the Event venue, please send an email to ESMO Communications media@esmo.org (Cc:  ESMO Registrations registration@esmo.org ) to purchase a dedicated badge.

This badge allows access to the activity space only.

According to the ESMO Policy on Press Activities press badges may only be granted to Press Representatives working for ESMO-Recognised Press Outlets.

Access to the ESMO Press Conferences and Press Representatives facilities is limited to Press Representatives.

Any badge issued as a result of a registration is the property of ESMO, it is required for admittance to all Events and must be visible at all times. Please note that the badge is needed for security purposes and is non-transferable. Misuse of badges such as sharing with individuals who are not accredited for the Event will result in a ban from current and all future Events for all parties involved. No refunds, if applicable, will be issued. 

Limitations on the number of granted badges may occur as necessary.

5. TP Activities and TP Filming Activities at Events

Badge for TP Activities at Events

All TP Activities initiated during Events need written approval by ESMO (media@esmo.org) and Third Party Media Representatives can request/purchase a specific badge.

TP badges, are subject to limitations and rules based on the purpose, the activity and the entity applying for the badge request. Please send an email to ESMO Communications media@esmo.org (Cc:  ESMO Registrations registration@esmo.org)

Any badge issued as a result of a registration is the property of ESMO, it is required for admittance to all Events and must be visible at all times. Please note that the badge is needed for security purposes and is non-transferable. Misuse of badges such as sharing with individuals who are not accredited for the Event will result in a ban from current and all future Events for all parties involved. No refunds, if applicable, will be issued. 

In particular, TP badges and activities allowed are different for representatives of:

Companies or organisations producing TP Media Material including, but not limited to, reports, commentaries, articles, editorials, interviews and other products intended for educational purposes (with or without a commercial component) and/or offering CME.

TP Activities are possible within:

  • Common areas at Events venues
  • Private meeting rooms
  • Exhibition: in a specific booth (if TP is a staff member of the company/organisation assigned with a booth OR if TP was recruited by the booth assignee).

Pharmaceutical companies or communication agencies acting on their behalf, producing TP Media Material including, but not limited to, reports, commentaries, articles, editorials, interviews and other corporate products for internal use or to be published on their corporate web site(s)/resources.

TP Activities are possible within:

  • Common areas at events venues
  • Private meeting rooms
  • Exhibition: in a specific booth (if TP is a staff member of the company/agency assigned with a booth OR if TP was recruited by the booth assignee). 

Public Affair Representatives producing TP Media Material including, but not limited to, reports, commentaries, articles, editorials, interviews and other products to be published on their specific channels.

TP Activities are possible within:

  • Common areas at Events venue
  • Official Events Sessions
  • Press & Media Centre (ESMO Press Working Room only)
  • Private meeting rooms
  • Exhibition: within the Society Hub spot only (if TP is a staff member of OR if TP was recruited by a National Society assigned with a spot). Filming is possible towards the assigned spot only

One (1) free-of-charge Public Affair Representative badge will be granted per outlet.

Limitations on the number of granted badges may occur as necessary.

Badge for TP Filming Activities at Events

All TP Filming Activities initiated during Events need written approval by ESMO (filming@esmo.org) and TP Filming Crews can request/purchase a specific Third Party Media badge.

All details are available in the ESMO Policy on Filming Activities (Chapter 2).

6. Social Media and use of official ESMO hashtags

To check the official hashtag for a specific Event, please visit the ESMO Meetings Calendar and check the related Social Media sub-page.
Permission is not needed to use the hashtag.
Statements or opinions expressed in third-party posts reflect the views of the contributor and do not necessarily reflect the official views of ESMO, unless otherwise noted.
ESMO’s shares, likes and other forms of engagement do not equal official endorsement of that content by ESMO. Accounts that ESMO follows or is followed by ESMO are not an indication of the ESMO's endorsement of these accounts or the content they produce. 

7. Use of logos

The corporate “ESMO” logo is the property of ESMO and is protected by trademark.

It must not be used, reproduced or associated with any TP event or TP Media Material/Activities, without the prior written approval of ESMO.

To learn about "ESMO Events" logo adoption in TP Media Material/Activities and TP Filming Material/Activities please check the ESMO Logo Policy  or send your inquiry to marketing@esmo.org (Cc: media@esmo.org) clearly explaining your purpose.

The presence of the ESMO Events logo on any TP Media Material/Activities, doesn't imply any endorsement from ESMO.

8. Press Representatives list

Contact details of Press Representatives accredited to Events are confidential and not made available to Third Parties. Information about outlets represented at previous events can be requested to ESMO Communications (media@esmo.org)

9. Governing Law and Jurisdiction

All matters arising from or connected with the compliance to the ESMO Policy on Media Activities Organised by Third Parties and Embargo rules will be governed by Swiss Law, without reference to the conflict of laws principles. Any dispute arising out of this commitment shall be brought before the Court of Lugano, Switzerland.
Please check Terms and Conditions .

ESMO reserves the right to exclude any entity that fails to adhere to this policy from future events, at the entity’s own complete cost.

The present version of the ESMO Policy on Media Activities Organised by Third Parties was last updated on 17 July 2024. ESMO reserves the right to modify this policy at any time without prior notice.


All inquiries must be submitted in writing to

ESMO Communications
E-mail: media@esmo.org

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