- Practising Oncologists Special Session at ESMO 2024 Congress: "Biomarkers in everyday clinical practice". Chairs: Mila Petrova, Gabor Liposits
- Practising Oncologists Special Session at ESMO 2024 Congress: "Optimal perioperative systemic treatment in different tumours". Chairs: Alberto J. Cunquero, Benedetta Pellegrino
- Practising Oncologists Special Session at ESMO 2024 Congress: "Management of novel treatments' toxicities". Chairs: Lazar S. Popovic, Alice Indini
- Practising Oncologists Special Session at ESMO 2024 Congress: "Bridging the Efficacy- Effectiveness (E-E) gap for cancer therapies." Chairs: Henk van Halteren, Miriam Koopmnan
- Publication of the paper “Twelve ESMO Congress 2022 breakthroughs: practicing oncologists’ perceptions and potential application on presented data” authored by members of the working group on ESMO Open
- Practising Oncologists Special Session at ESMO 2022 Congress: "Elements to build a Molecular Tumour Board.” Chairs: Alice Indini, Michiel Strijbos
- Practising Oncologists Special Session at ESMO 2022 Congress: “De-escalation of treatment in medical oncology.” Chairs: Henk van Halteren, Michiel Strijbos
- Survey “ESMO Practising Oncologists 2022 Survey: Help us understand your needs” conducted in Paris at the ESMO 2022 Congress
- ESMO Preceptorship On Molecular Cancer Biology For Practising Oncologists And Cancer Treatment De-Escalation 2022: Lugano
- The ESMO Checklists underwent a careful examination by members of the Working Group and four new checklists were launched
- Launch of the ESMO Guidelines: Real World Cases – Webinar Series, a close collaboration between the ESMO Guidelines Committee, Faculty members, the Young Oncologist Committee and the Practising Oncologists Working Group.
- Practising Oncologists Special Session at ESMO 2021 Congress: "Does my patient really benefit from my treatment? Physician, patient and value perspectives.” Chair: Michiel Strijbos
- Practising Oncologists Special Session at ESMO 2021 Congress: “Landmark real-life studies published in 2021: Potential impact on clinical practice and guidelines.” Chair: Henk van Halteren
- Developed a new series of Spotlight presentations featuring highlights from the ESMO Congress 2021
- Publication of the paper “11 ESMO 2021 Breakthroughs: Practicing Oncologist’s perceptions on data presentation” authored by members of the working group on ESMO Open
- Participation in the OncologyPro Editorial Board. Lazar Popovic will represent the Practising Oncologists Working Group and serve on the OncologyPro Editorial Board
- Collaboration with the ESMO Designated Centres Working Group. Gabor Liposits will represent the Practising Oncologists Working Group and contribute as an expert/reviewer in the auditing activities of the Designated Centres Working Group
- Practising Oncologists Special Session at ESMO 2020 Congress: “Which patient belongs where for systemic treatment? How to divide tasks between academic and regional hospitals” Chair: Stefan Sleijfer
- Practising Oncologists Special Session at ESMO 2020 Congress: “Nutritional management of cancer patients in daily practice” Chair: Michiel Strijbos
- Some of the ESMO Checklists underwent a careful examination by members of the Working Group
- Practising Oncologists Special Session at ESMO 2019 Congress: “Practicing Oncology: Special issues in real life” Chair: Gabor Lakatos
- Practising Oncologists Special Session at ESMO 2019 Congress: “Practicing Oncology in Elderly Cancer Patients” Chair: Henk van Halteren
- Practising Oncologists Special Sessions at ESMO 2018: "Treatment decisions and side effect management of new drugs (including immunotherapy) in lung cancer" with presentations delivered by S. Rauh and P. Garrido Lopez and "Practising oncologists and rare tumours" with presentations delivered by S. Rauh, G. Pentheroudakis, G. Lakatos, M. Karamouzis, A. Le Cesne and A. Beer.
- Launch of the ESMO Checklists, a new self-assessment tool developed by members of the Working Group
- Publication of the article "Challenge of implementing clinical practice guidelines. Getting ESMO’s guidelines even closer to the bedside: introducing the ESMO Practising Oncologists’ checklists and knowledge and practice questions" authored by members of the Working Group on ESMO Open
- Michalis Karamouzis and Gàbor Lakatos talk to ESMO new digital magazine: ESMO Perspectives. Read the articles "Emphasising the practice in the ESMO Clinical Practice Guidelines" and "Learning from different oncology practice settings"
- 2nd ESMO Update for Practising Oncologists (27-29 April 2018, Lugano)
- Review of Committee remit and reclassification as a Working Group (Practising Oncologists Working Group) reporting in to the Educational Committee and focussing on identifying new models for delivering best education to the practising oncologist audience
- First ESMO Practising Oncologists Update Meeting (3-5 March 2017, Lisbon)
- 4th Practising Oncologists Special Session at ESMO 2017 Congress in Madrid: "How to conciliate the fast moving genetic landscape with everyday practice and resources"
- Participation in ESMO 2017 Young Oncologists Track (Mentorship session and Discussion Forum for Practising and Young Oncologists) and Patient Advocacy Track ("The Hans Keulen Memorial Debate: Lost in Rehabilitation").
- 3rd Practising Oncologists Special Session at ESMO 2016 Congress in Copenhagen: "Practising quality oncology across Europe and beyond: how can we get there? Existing projects and future outlooks"
- Development and running of "How I treat sessions" (new format) at ESMO 2016 Congress in Copenhagen: "Managing side effects and treatment related to advanced colorectal cancer" and “Managing issues in pancreatic cancer”
- Participation in ESMO 2016 Young Oncologists Track (Mentorship session and discussion forum) and Patient Advocacy Track ("The Hans Keulen Memorial Debate. Palliative care: is it suffering from an identity crisis?")
- Launch of the ONCOassist App for ESMO Members
- Community Oncology WG name change decided to better describe the WG goals, will be “Practising Oncologists committee” from 2015; chair: Stefan Rauh, Luxembourg
- 2nd Community Oncology Special Session held at the ESMO 2014 Congress in Madrid: "Optimal use of systemic therapy in the palliative setting"
- Community Oncology WG contribution to the paper “The current and future role of the medical oncologist in the professional care for cancer patients: a position paper by the European Society for Medical Oncology (ESMO)”
- Results of the survey “What do European community oncologists expect from the European Society for Medical Oncology? Results from a survey among community oncologists in Germany, Greece, Hungary, Italy, Luxembourg, Romania, and Spain” published as a letter to in Annals of Oncology
- Contribution to a National Representatives survey with questions on the structure of oncology care
- Results of the survey "What do European Community Oncologists expect from ESMO" published in the 37th ESMO Congress Abstract Book
- Community Oncology Special Session at the ESMO 2012 Congress in Vienna:"Excellence in care and chemotherapy: Goals and challenges for the oncology team"
- Article about ESMO Community Oncology Working Group’s activities written by Dr Paloma Martin published on SEOM (Spanish National Society of Medical Oncology) Newsletter
- Community Oncology survey conducted in Italy and Spain and finalized
- Survey “What do European Community Oncologists expect from ESMO” conducted in Luxembourg, Greece, Romania and Hungary
- ESMO Community Oncology WG established; chair: Robert Eckert, Germany
- ESMO Community Oncology WG becomes member of the Educational Committee Steering Committee
- Survey conducted: “What do German office-based Community Oncologists expect from ESMO?”
Last update: January 2025