Luc Friboulet
Doctor Luc Friboulet is an ERC starting grant holder and young group leader at Gustave Roussy Cancer Campus, Villejuif, France. He obtained his PhD degree at the Paris-Sud University defending his work on the role of c-IAP2 in TLR3 mediated apoptosis in cancer. His first postdoctoral position, in Jean-Charles Soria’s lab, focused on the function of ERCC1 isoforms in DNA repair to predict patient’s clinical benefit from platinum-based chemotherapy. Luc Friboulet was then trained by Alice Shaw and Jeffrey Engelman at the Massachusetts General Hospital in Boston to study the molecular mechanisms of resistance to ALK kinase inhibitors in lung cancer.
Luc Friboulet is currently working in INSERM UMR981 where his main interest lies in the field of molecular mechanisms of tumor adaptation to kinase inhibitors in solid tumors. He has co-authored several articles in high impact journals such as the New England Journal of Medicine, Science, Cancer Discovery or Cancer Cell.