Flora Stavridi
Dr Flora Stavridi was born in Athens in 1976. She graduated from the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens’ Medical School in 2000. She received the Medical Oncologist specialty in the UK, where she worked for over a decade at specialised oncology centres (Royal Marsden Hospital, Guys and St. Thomas's).
She is specialised in breast cancer, gynaecological and urogenital cancer, and palliative care.
From 2007 to 2009, she served as a lecturer at Guys and St. Thomas University Medical School in London. At the same time she worked as Senior Registrar at Royal Marsden and Guys and St. Thomas' Hospital.
In 2010 she started working at HYGEIA Hospital, Athens, Greece.
Her multifaceted interests in oncology as well as in health units management, made her complete two postgraduate programmes. In 2011, she received a postgraduate degree in Health Unit Management from the Hellenic Open University with special emphasis on clinical leadership and management, good clinical practice, communication and interviewing skills. Moreover, in 2011 she received a postgraduate degree in Medical Oncology, at Cancer Research Institute, in London.
Today, Dr Flora Stavridi is the Medical Director of the 4th Oncology Clinic of HYGEIA Medical Group, Greece.
She often gives lectures and participates in international conferences. She has a notable research work, as her clinic participates in clinical trials, having papers published in high ranking scientific journals.